Why is One AirPod Louder Than the Other?

 If you are wondering why one AirPod is louder than the other, you are not alone. There are many reasons for this problem, including software flaws, Automatic Ear Detection, dust and dirt resistance, and software bugs. This article will explore some of these reasons and how to fix them. You might also want to try resetting your Bluetooth settings. If the volume is still different, you may want to try these tips.

Why is One AirPod Louder Than the Othe

Automatic Ear Detection

If one of your AirPods is louder than the other, it may be due to the Auto Ear Detection feature. Automatic Ear Detection is an in-built feature in your iPhone that pauses your music and audio when you remove them from your ears. Turning off Automatic Ear Detection is the best way to solve this problem.

Another reason for one AirPod to sound louder than the other is excessive ear wax. The primary speaker on AirPods can become clogged with ear wax. To remove the dirt and earwax, you need to clean the AirPods thoroughly. After cleaning the AirPods, drag the slider to the center point to restore the audio balance.

If the problem persists, try restarting the iPhone and AirPods to see if they fix the issue. It's possible that the problem is due to automatic ear detection. To check the Automatic Ear Detection, connect AirPods to your iPhone and go to Settings. Then, hold the volume up and down buttons on your iPhone and release them once the Apple logo appears.

If your AirPods are louder than the other, the problem may be due to the Automatic Ear Detection feature. If you don't want to change the default settings for your iPhone, disable Automatic Ear Detection in your iPhone's Settings. Then, return the pair to the store and try again. You may have to exchange one airpod for a different one to fix the problem.

Automatic Ear Detection

Software flaws

One AirPod may be louder than the other if you've experienced audio imbalance or a "connectivity glitch." Other causes include a broken AirPod or too much ear wax. In some cases, the cause isn't obvious, but you should consider all possible causes before deciding which one to replace. The top response on an Apple Discussions thread suggested mouth sucking to remove earwax.

Another cause is a flaw in the iOS system. If one Airpod is louder than the other, it could be a flaw in your iOS device. There are many reasons why connectivity glitches occur, including the AirPods falling out of your ears, too much ear wax, or something wrong with your iOS device. To fix this problem, use iToolab FixGo, a Windows or Mac repair tool that's compatible with the latest versions of iOS. It can easily diagnose and fix 200 iOS system flaws in a matter of minutes. Best of all, it won't lose any of your data.

Another cause of one Airpod being louder than the other is earwax. These can interfere with internal circuitry. Dirt and earwax can also accumulate on the speaker grill mesh and block sound transmission. If you've recently purchased an AirPod and found that one is louder than the other, you should remove the dirt and earwax from the microphones. Cleaning your AirPod is simple and won't cost you any money.

Software flaws

Dust and dirt resistance

The Lightning port on AirPods is located on the underside of the charging case. A small Q-Tip or SIM card slot key can fit inside this opening, but a straightened-out paper clip or toothpick will work better. Regardless of material, make sure to apply gentle pressure to the charging point. Do not use compressed air or bleach to clean your AirPods, as these can harm the internal components. Bleach can damage the case's outer finish and leave harmful residue behind.

You should clean your AirPods regularly, as the sticky design collects earwax and dirt from the environment. While some may think sucking on the speakers will remove dirt, this practice is not recommended because it can damage the speaker, protective mesh, and electronics. However, it's important to keep your personal audio device clean for personal hygiene reasons. You can use a cleaning brush designed for such purposes.

Dust and dirt resistance in Air pods

Resetting your Bluetooth

If your Bluetooth to make one AirPod louder than the other is set to "auto," you may have problems when you connect the AirPods to different devices. Resetting the Bluetooth settings of both AirPods to their defaults will fix this problem. However, if your AirPods are not louder than one another, you should first try to clean them. Cleaning them will remove accumulated ear wax and dust that could be damaging the speaker. You can also check the sensors and charging points of both AirPods using a flashlight. This will help you resolve the issue for good and restore the audio balance.

Changing the settings of the audio source may also be the cause of the lopsided sound volume. To solve this issue, try to reset your Bluetooth. To do this, swipe down the home screen, click on the blue Bluetooth icon, and wait 20 seconds. After this, turn on the Bluetooth again. If the problem still persists, try resetting your Bluetooth. After doing this, you should be able to hear your AirPods clearly again.

Another reason why one Airpod is louder than the other is due to volume restrictions placed on them. Your AirPods may automatically adjust their volume to match your audio device's volume limit. To turn this off, go into settings and tap on the Playback option. You will then find the volume limit setting. Once you've turned off the volume limit, resync the AirPods to restore the original volume levels.

If your AirPods sound soft, the problem might be due to a connectivity glitch. To fix this, you can disconnect them from your device and re-connect them with fresh Bluetooth. You can do this by holding the button on the back of the case for about 15 seconds. If this doesn't work, you can try cleaning them. After cleaning, resetting the Bluetooth settings on the AirPods can fix many problems.

Resetting your Bluetooth on Air pod

Cleaning your AirPods

If you're having trouble with the volume of one AirPod compared to the other, you should try cleaning them. Clean the charging case before re-charging. If one AirPod is louder than the other, you can try sucking on the larger speaker to correct the volume imbalance. However, you should avoid getting water on the AirPods, as water can make them louder than the other.

If the volume of one AirPod seems to be higher than the other, you should clean them. Over time, earwax can accumulate on the primary speaker, which can lead to volume imbalance. Ideally, the center dot should be in the center. Occasionally cleaning them may solve the issue. If you still cannot get the volume level to balance, you should contact Apple Support.

Another possible cause of one AirPod being louder than the other is accumulated dirt in the ear. This dirt can negatively affect the audio clarity and frequency. Another reason for one AirPod being louder than the other is the wrong audio volume balance. If you are experiencing this problem, make sure you check the earbuds for bugs, connectivity glitches, and audio balance.

To test whether you have the problem with one earphone, try resetting the AirPods. Wait a few seconds for the charging case to establish a connection. Once the charging case shows a green light, plug in the AirPods and make sure they're fully charged. Once they're fully charged, they should be louder than the other AirPod.

Cleaning your AirPods


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